church advertising and your werbsite

Church Advertising Begins & Ends with Your Website

Mellissa Costello Web Leave a Comment

Advertising is simply telling people who you are and what you have to offer that they need.  Churches have what everyone needs, Jesus.  Rest assured that your “product” is the absolute best.  The world is in need of Jesus.  How do they find him?  Through his people and the local church.  People need to be able to find your church or even just be made aware that you are there and have something they may want/need.  This is where Church Advertising comes in.  Every type of advertising that you do in our modern age should and will direct people to your website.

Church Advertising with your Websitecustom church website button

The website itself is your main advertising tool.  It is your digital front door.  This is where people find out where you are located, what you believe and what the general style of your church is.  Almost no one goes to visit a church in 2016 without first checking the website.  What does your first form of church advertising say about you?  Is your digital front door looking good?

Church Advertising with Mailers

If you do mass mailers to neighborhoods you are investing money to invite and welcome people to your church.  Your website address SHOULD be on your mailers.  Then you are able to direct traffic to your website hopefully engaging your potential visitor a second time.  As good as your mailer may look, mailers only have a .o5% good response rate.  With this in mind, you will definitely want to get all the bang for the buck you can by making them look great and linking them to your website.

Church Advertising with Signs

Churches should be well marked in their community.  Consider directional signs to pull people off the main roads if you are on a smaller side street.  Banner signs that blow in the wind and attract the eye are also great.   On every sign that is large enough you should have your web address.  It may take someone a few months of driving by your signs before something happens in their life, finally they are compelled to visit your church.  Most likely they will check you out on your website before ever coming through your door.

grow your church buttonChurch Advertising with Social Media

Social Media is a massive part of church advertising now.  Simple things like your congregation “checking in” on Facebook letting all their friends know they are at church goes a long way.  Free and organic advertising.  Every time you have an event you can promote it on Facebook and let your people promote it too!  You can have an account on Instagram or twitter and encourage congregants to follow.  If they like things you post there is a good chance they will share or retweet what you shared. Anytime you post anything on your social media outlets provide a link to your website.

Church Advertising with Radio/ TV

Plenty of people still listen to the radio in the car and watch TV at home.  Church Commercials are still viable ways to advertise your church.  Even though both of these types of ads are great because they give your audience a feel for what type of church you are.  These kind of ads make you feel the overall style of the church.   It is still incredibly important for you to have your website mentioned multiple times if you are on the radio.  If you are on TV, your web address should be prominently displayed on the screen.  Your audience will want to check it before making the commitment to attend.  If your website does not match what they heard or saw on TV they might not follow through.

With all of these ways to do church advertising on your mind, what does your website look like these days?  Have you updated it?  Does it correctly communicate what type of church you are, your style and flavor?  Does your website have the pertinent information easily accessed that will help someone find your location and service times?  Have you it flooded with too much information that will overwhelm a visitor to your site maybe turning them off from visiting?  These are all great questions to ask.  We are here to help you and can provide you an evaluation of your church website.  The impact of a great website for a great church is huge.

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