Instagram is the fastest growing social media platform in the world. It is growing five times faster than any other social network. Is your church using it? You should be. By now you know that your church needs to be using social media. You have an hour with your church family on Sunday mornings. Social media gives you access to your church for the other 167 hours each week. Most churches today are using Facebook, the world’s largest social network. Most of your church family is on there, and your church should be using it to grow. If I was …
Why Leading The Unchurched Is Never Easy
Leading the unchurched may not always seem easy, simply because the benefits of your church might not be as obvious to them as it is to you. Most unchurched people aren’t opposed to attending church, but they have to find the right fit for their needs. This means listening to those needs and finding ways your church can help meet their needs. The most important thing to remember is to take the time to understand unchurched people. In many cases, they’re just looking for a church that is open to their questions about faith. It’s Difficult To Build Trust With …
5 Point Checklist To Get Results Online This Year
2017 is in full swing. Before we know it, 2018 will be upon us unless of course, the Lord comes back(smile). If you are already committed to utilizing the internet as a church, you no doubt want to get results online this year from your efforts. Are you are seeing good results online so far this year? Good for you and this post may help you continue to get results online! We are now approaching the first quarter of the year. As a church, I am sure you hope that by now you have some good strategy, processes, and goals …
Leading Your Church As A Micromanager Isn’t Passion
Leading your church means you have to be passionate. After all, church staff and members are going to follow your lead and if your passion doesn’t shine through, they might not feel as motivated. The problem comes when you start to micromanage. The more you make this mistake, the less passionate you seem. In fact, it comes off as controlling. It isn’t an effective way to lead a church and could have some negative results. Passion Motivates Your passion is what helps motivate others to join with you. Whether it’s getting volunteers for an activity or making new members feel …
7 Ways Leaders Can Blow Their Influence On Social Media
Whether you love it or hate it, social media isn’t going anywhere, but when church leaders embrace it, it’s a powerful tool for reaching members and non-members. As you post, you build influence on social media that helps others see you as a respected authority and someone they can trust. All it takes is one wrong post to suddenly blow that influence. You could ruin how your entire church family sees you and even hurt the church’s chance for new members. Luckily, it’s easier than you might think to avoid these costly mistakes. 1. Posting When Angry With 71% of …
10 Church Leadership Blogs You Need To Be Reading
Let’s face it, Being a pastor is hard. Really, Really Hard. There seems to be no end to the amount of work we have to do to lead a church. There are sermons to prepare, staff meetings to run, and there is always that person who wants to have a talk about something you said in your sermon. With all the pressures on a pastor, it is easy to get behind in your personal growth. Of course, that has to start quiet times. If you do not have a great relationship with Jesus it almost impossible to pastor the people …