7 Church Leadership Podcasts Pastors Need To Subscribe To Today

Thomas Costello Church Leadership Leave a Comment

If you’re feeling lost or just want to become a better leader, church leadership podcasts help give you the inspiration and motivation you need. Podcasts are easy to subscribe and listen to whenever you have a free minute. Learn about current issues facing your church family, creative ways to engage members and even the best ways to attract new members. Make sure you subscribe to all five of these podcasts and be ready to take notes. You’ll be amazed at what you learn and how you can apply it immediately. 1. 5 Leadership Questions A podcast that makes you think …

6 Small Thinking Church Myths That Can Harm Your Church

Thomas Costello Church Leadership Leave a Comment

It’s easy to buy into myths. After all, you hear them all the time and they probably started with a grain of truth. However, when church myths start holding your church back, it’s time to separate fact from fiction. Every myth you hear isn’t true and those lies can do lasting harm to your church if you’re not careful. Once you let go of the falsehoods, you might just discover your church is better than it ever was. 1. Big Churches Are A Bad Thing There’s a myth floating around that big churches are automatically bad. In fact, these mega-churches …

5 Foolproof Ways To Reach Unchurched Young Adults Online

Thomas Costello Church Leadership Leave a Comment

If your church isn’t online, it might seem like it’s impossible to reach unchurched young adults. The truth is, churches need an online presence to better reach this demographic. Even though they’re unchurched, many of these young adults aren’t opposed to church. They either aren’t interested in attending an actual location or already have other commitments. However, they still want spiritual guidance. Thanks to the Internet, you now have foolproof ways to ensuring your message reaches today’s younger adults. It’s a powerful tool for reaching those that once seemed unreachable. 1. Make Your Church Easily Accessible This is the most …

7 Things You Will Never Hear Your Members Say About Your Church Website That You Should

Ian Hyatt Uncategorized Leave a Comment

Oh yeah, “about your church website Pastor!” We are all sweet and perfect Christians, right? We all know the answer to that. None of us are perfect. Ministry and church life can often be very hard. It is a different kind of beast compared to anything else out there. Yet, we are all called to be Christlike even when things are tough, irritating, and not agreeable to us. One of the things I have found being in ministry for years now is that we choose to error by faking nice, even when we do not want to be. We put on …

How The Internet Has Revolutionized The Way Churches Communicate

Thomas Costello Web Leave a Comment

It’s undeniable that the Internet has changed the way churches communicate. Gone are the days of a few conversations after church, only to see members again during service hours or special appointments. Now, it’s easier than ever to send an inspirational message in a few clicks or ask for prayers from hundreds of miles away. The possibilities are seemingly endless. While it’s true that some believe the Internet has hurt churches, the digital world has actually opened up more lines of faith-based communication than ever before. Reach Members Any Time Your members come to church to worship together, but they …

instagram for churches header

Infographic: 25 Stats You Need To Know About Instagram For Churches

Thomas Costello Church Leadership Leave a Comment

Instagram is the fastest growing social media platform in the world. It is growing five times faster than any other social network. Is your church using it? You should be. By now you know that your church needs to be using social media. You have an hour with your church family on Sunday mornings. Social media gives you access to your church for the other 167 hours each week. Most churches today are using Facebook, the world’s largest social network. Most of your church family is on there, and your church should be using it to grow.  If I was …

Why Leading The Unchurched Is Never Easy

Thomas Costello Church Leadership Leave a Comment

Leading the unchurched may not always seem easy, simply because the benefits of your church might not be as obvious to them as it is to you. Most unchurched people aren’t opposed to attending church, but they have to find the right fit for their needs. This means listening to those needs and finding ways your church can help meet their needs. The most important thing to remember is to take the time to understand unchurched people. In many cases, they’re just looking for a church that is open to their questions about faith. It’s Difficult To Build Trust With …

Get Results Online For Your Church

5 Point Checklist To Get Results Online This Year

Ian Hyatt Church Leadership, Web Leave a Comment

2017 is in full swing. Before we know it, 2018 will be upon us unless of course, the Lord comes back(smile). If you are already committed to utilizing the internet as a church, you no doubt want to get results online this year from your efforts. Are you are seeing good results online so far this year? Good for you and this post may help you continue to get results online! We are now approaching the first quarter of the year. As a church, I am sure you hope that by now you have some good strategy, processes, and goals …

Leading Your Church As A Micromanager Isn't Passion angry boss

Leading Your Church As A Micromanager Isn’t Passion

Thomas Costello Church Leadership Leave a Comment

Leading your church means you have to be passionate. After all, church staff and members are going to follow your lead and if your passion doesn’t shine through, they might not feel as motivated. The problem comes when you start to micromanage. The more you make this mistake, the less passionate you seem. In fact, it comes off as controlling. It isn’t an effective way to lead a church and could have some negative results. Passion Motivates Your passion is what helps motivate others to join with you. Whether it’s getting volunteers for an activity or making new members feel …

Start a church blog

4 Reasons Why You Absolutely Must Start a Church Blog

Thomas Costello Uncategorized Leave a Comment

  Every pastor wants to do a better job reaching their community.  At least I know I do.  Over the past few years, I have become convinced that one of the best ways to make an impact in my community is by running a church blog.   Early in 2015 the church I pastor started a church blog.  At first, it was an experiment to see if we could do it.  We weren’t sure it would have much of an impact, but we had a few team members who loved to write, so we figured we would give it a …